How to Create Links in HTML: A Complete Guide

How to create links in html. Create links in html and css. Code with James


Links are one of the most important elements on the web. Whether it's navigating to a new page, downloading a file, or jumping to a different section of the same page, links are essential to the internet’s interactivity. If you're building a website, knowing how to create and customize links in HTML is a fundamental skill you need to master.

In this guide, we’ll explain how to create different types of links using the <a> tag, as well as some advanced techniques for enhancing user experience.

What is the <a> Tag?

The <a> tag, also known as the anchor tag, is used to create hyperlinks in HTML. These links can take you to different pages, websites, files, or even specific parts of the same page. Links are one of the primary ways that websites connect with each other, creating the web as we know it.

Here’s the basic syntax of the <a> tag:

<a href="URL">Link Text</a>

The href attribute stands for "hypertext reference" and holds the URL (Uniform Resource Locator) or path of the resource you want to link to. The text between the opening and closing tags is the clickable part of the link.

Basic Example of a Link

Let’s start with a basic example. If you want to link to an external website, you can do so by placing the URL of the website inside the href attribute:

<a href="">Visit Example</a>

When someone clicks on the link text "Visit Example," they will be taken to the website

Notice that we didn’t add a target attribute here. By default, the link will open in the same browser window. But what if you want the link to open in a new tab? This brings us to our next section.

Opening Links in a New Tab

Sometimes, you may want a link to open in a new browser tab so that the user doesn’t leave your site. To do this, you use the target attribute and set its value to _blank.

Here’s how you do it:

<a href="" target="_blank">Visit Example in a new tab</a>

Now, when the link is clicked, it will open the website in a new tab without leaving your current page. This is particularly useful for external links, as it helps retain your visitors on your website while they explore other pages.

Linking to Other Pages on Your Website

Links don’t always need to point to external websites. You can also link to other pages within your own site. This is how internal linking works and is an important SEO practice for improving navigation and user experience.

If you have a file or a webpage within your site called about.html, you can create a link to it like this:

<a href="about.html">Learn More About Us</a>

This will take the user to the about.html page, assuming it's in the same folder as your current webpage. If the file is in a different folder, simply include the path:

<a href="pages/about.html">Learn More About Us</a>

This link will take the user to the about.html page inside the "pages" folder.

Creating Links to Specific Sections Within a Page

In HTML, you can link to specific parts of the same page. This is called "anchor linking" and is useful for creating a table of contents or navigating long pages quickly.

To create anchor links, you’ll need two parts:

  • A link that points to an anchor tag.
  • The anchor tag itself, which acts as the destination.

First, add an id attribute to the section you want to link to:

<h2 id="section1">Section 1</h2>

Then, create a link that points to that section using the # symbol followed by the id value:

<a href="#section1">Go to Section 1</a>

When the link is clicked, the page will scroll to the section with the matching id.

Linking to Email Addresses

You can also create links that open the user’s email client with a pre-filled recipient email address. This is done using the mailto: protocol in the href attribute.

Here’s how you can create an email link:

<a href="">Send Us an Email</a>

When a user clicks on this link, their default email client will open, allowing them to send an email to

Linking to Files

Besides webpages and emails, you can also create links to files, such as PDFs, Word documents, or images. To do this, just provide the path to the file in the href attribute:

<a href="files/ebook.pdf">Download our Free Ebook</a>

When a user clicks on this link, the file will either download or open in a new tab, depending on the browser settings.

Linking with Images

Sometimes, you may want to use an image as a link rather than plain text. You can do this by wrapping an <img> tag inside the <a> tag.

Here’s how you do it:

<a href="">
    <img src="images/logo.png" alt="Example Logo">

This will make the image act as a clickable link, redirecting users to the specified URL when clicked.


In this guide, you’ve learned how to create and customize links using HTML. Links are one of the fundamental components of the web, and understanding how to use them properly will help you build more user-friendly websites.

From basic external links to advanced techniques like anchor linking, file linking, and email links, you now have the tools to create a variety of links to enhance your site’s functionality.

Remember to always use descriptive link text and ensure that your links are accessible and easy to navigate. Happy linking!


How did your experience with creating links go? Have you tried using links to different sections, or embedding images in your links? Share your experience, questions, or feedback in the comments below, and let us know how you’re using links in your projects!

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